Everyone wants to be able to answer “WHY IS IT THIS WAY”?

As a leader leading others, you need to know the people you are addressing and working with are internal asking this question. Not out of defiance but often out of trying to find their place in the conversation. Each person you are leading is an individual wired with certain intrinsic values that guides them. All people are motivated in different ways and as a leader sometimes you’ll have team members that are not motivated in any unanimous way.

Here are a couple key questions people are personally going to be watch out for in working no a team or in an organization are these?

Why am I here? [Is this worth my personal time?]

What is my role? [Do I have a voice?]

Where is my win [What motivates me to do this?] 

What is my action step? 

If you can continually help your teammates answer these for themselves they will see how you value them, how you care about their investment in the project as well as how you are trying to lead the team in a collaborate way forward.

Just remember, what motivates you is not always what motivates others.


Did I Get It Right?
